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Weekly Update: August 11, 2022


Weekly Update: August 11, 2022


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City of San Ramon News & Information Update

 Thursday, August 11, 2022

Municipal Election 2022: Council Candidate Filing Period  
Mayor & Councilmember, District 2: File by Friday, August 12 at 5 p.m.
Councilmember, District 4: Extended to Wednesday, August 17 at 5 p.m.

San Ramon Elections

A Municipal Election will be held in the City of San Ramon on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, for the following City of San Ramon officers:

  • Mayor
  • Councilmember, District 2
  • Councilmember, District 4

The nomination filing period for Mayor and Councilmember, District 2 closes at 5 p.m. on Friday, August 12, 2022.

The nomination filing period for Councilmember, District 4, is extended to Wednesday, August 17, 2022 at 5 p.m. pursuant to the California Elections Code.

Candidates are required to make an appointment with the City Clerk’s Office to obtain and file nomination papers.

To be eligible to run for office, a candidate must be a U.S. Citizen, be a registered voter, and must be registered in the political subdivision for which you are running. The office is nonpartisan.

To make an appointment to obtain and file nomination papers, or for questions, contact the City Clerk’s Office at [email protected] or (925) 973-2539.

For more details, please visit the link below.

> More Information

Back-to-School Safety Tips

Safe Routes to School

Welcome back to school! The City of San Ramon’s Safe Routes to School Program was launched in 1989 in a collaborative effort with the San Ramon Valley Unified School District. The program educates school site administrators, parents and children about bicycle safety, pedestrian awareness and traffic concerns.

Here are some reminders for drivers/parents and children about pedestrian and traffic safety:

Drop-off and pick-up children from appropriate locations
✅ Obey 25 mph speed limit in school zones and around school sites
✅ Park legally near school sites and walk children to/from school sites
✅ Children should always cross at designated crosswalks
✅ Do not use cell phones when driving to/from school sites
✅ Parents should always hold the hand of children, especially those under 8 years of age, when crossing the street
✅ Slow down in areas where children are walking to school

> Click here for Suggested Walking Routes to School

Teen Centers Now Open for the 2022-23 School Year!

Teen Centers 2022

San Ramon’s four Teen Centers, located on-campus at Iron Horse, Pine Valley, Gale Ranch and Windemere Middle Schools, opened Wednesday August 10!

Through the end of August, we are offering an annual membership referral program. Current participants get a $200 refund for every new friend who registers, and the new family/participant gets $200 off at registration! Limit of 4 referrals per person with an $800 max. New participants can refer a friend and each family will get $200 off at registration.

Find out more and register at the link below.

> More Information

SchoolPool Giveaway: Carpool & Sign Up for a Chance to Win a $250 Back-to-School Shopping Spree at Target!


Do you SchoolPool? SchoolPool is a youth carpool promotion for Contra Costa County residents to encourage shared rides to and from school and after-school activities.

Carpooling saves fuel, reduces traffic in school zones, improves air quality in classrooms, and provides fun, social time for students.

Put your carpool together with students from two or more households and sign up for a chance to win 1 of 10 $250 Target back-to-school shopping sprees!

> Register by October 16, 2022 to enter the $250 drawing!

Pass2Class Student Transit Tickets: Applications Open for 2022/23 School Year


Did you know that you can get two months of free bus rides for your student, grades 1-12?

Pass2Class offers free bus passes to Contra Costa students at the beginning of the school year to encourage the use of bus transportation to and from school. Pass2Class reduces traffic congestion and air pollution by reducing the number of cars being driven to school.

Quantities are limited—visit the link below to apply for the program today!

> More Information & Application

Volunteers Needed: Forest Home Farms Docents
Orientation: Thursday, August 25 at 10 a.m.

FHF Docents

Looking for a meaningful way to contribute to your community? Consider becoming a docent at Forest Home Farms Historic Park for our Educational Tours! Join a diverse group of fun and interesting people who share a passion for educating people about, and preserving the history of the San Ramon Valley!

Attend the New Docent Orientation on Thursday, August, 25 at 10 a.m.

  • Farm Life Docents introduce 3rd grade students to the agricultural history of the San Ramon Valley. Lead tours and activities, help with gardening and tastings in the organic garden, or present food preservation demonstrations and tastings.
  • Glass House Museum Docents are trained to lead a variety of tours, provide educational programs and participate in historic preservation at this fully restored and furnished Victorian home, which was built in 1877.

For more information about volunteering at Forest Home Farms Historic Park please contact BJ Byrd at (925) 973-3284 or [email protected] or visit our online web portal: SanRamonVolunteers.com

> Register for the Training

Concert in the Park
Friday, August 26 at 6 p.m.
Alcosta Senior and Community Center Park
Free for All Ages

ASCC Concert

End your week with a great evening of acoustic music in one of San Ramon’s hidden gems: the park at the Alcosta Senior and Community Center (9300 Alcosta Blvd)! Enjoy playing lawn games for the whole family or try your hand at bocce ball, starting at 5:30 p.m. Bring your dinner, blanket, or lawn chair and join us!

Online Picnic Reservations: New Locations Added!

Picnic Rentals

The City of San Ramon offers online reservations for 10 different parks with 21 different picnic areas to help you find the perfect spot for your special event! We’ve expanded our picnic reservation program to include tables 1-4 at Monarch Park and tables 4-6 (near the playground) at Memorial Park.

Reservations are for full day rental permits from sunrise to sundown. Pricing starts from $115 for San Ramon residents and $212 for non-residents at sanramon.ca.gov/facilities.

For commercial/non-profit organization picnic reservations, please call (925) 973-3333 or email [email protected]

Register Today for Fall Swim Lessons!

Swim Lessons Fall 2022

Summer may be coming to a close, but you can still make a splash! The City of San Ramon’s swim lesson provider, ElitSwim, is gearing up for Fall Swim Lessons to kick off at the San Ramon Olympic Pool (9900 Broadmoor Drive).

With parent/tot lessons, adult lessons, and everything in between, you are bound to find the perfect class to fit your needs. The outdoor pool is heated, instructors are friendly, and there are always lifeguards on duty.

Registration for Fall Swim Lessons begins on Friday, July 29 at 8:30 a.m.

Register online at SanRamonRecGuide.com or in person at the San Ramon Community Center (12501 Alcosta Blvd; open Mon-Fri, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.).

Current Job Opportunities with the City of San Ramon

San Ramon Jobs

The City of San Ramon is hiring! Current job opportunities include:

  • Administrative Coordinator – Community Development 
  • Associate Engineer
  • Police Officer – Lateral 
  • Police Officer – Academy Participant or Recent Graduate
  • Activity Manager / Assistant  Activity Manager – Teen Center
  • Building Attendant II

  • Recreation Leader I / II for After School Teen Center
  • Seasonal Maintenance Worker
  • Recreation Leader II for Sports Program
  • Lifeguard I / II 

More Information

Call City Hall at (925) 973-2500 or email [email protected]

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